Get "Who Am I?"
Are you willing to take a moment each day to learn something new about your child? Who are they? What do they like/dislike? How do they feel about different things?
Get The "Who Am I?" Tool Now!
The process starts with Mind Set. Taking ownership to really know and understand your children! They are their own person.
Start this as soon as they are born. Think about a time of day that would be good to reflect on what you learned about your child. Maybe it's right after you put them to bed. From the day they are born they start showing you their personality.
Ideally, You should buy a BIG journal to capture your thoughts and what you have observed and learned from your child. The journal(s) would be a great gift to them when they have their first child. Remember the old days when we did baby books? To help you get started request the workbook.
Now the question is... What will you learn about your kids today?